natal/birth chart (email)
Astrological chart reading: A Sky Within report (written by acclaimed astrologer Steven Forrest) is like a conversation with a very close trusted friend. It is filled with truth and presented in a manner that allows the reader to acknowledge those truths about themselves that may not be readily revealed to even the people closest to them. A Sky Within report is a rewarding experience, for some a life-changing experience.
the sky within
emailed as a PDF for you to read and/or print at your leisure
the sky within
additional 10$
printed and mailed to the address you provide
prediction (email)
A report based on an individual’s transits and secondary progressions. Each report is divided into three sections. Each of these sections is organized chronologically rather than by planet making the report flow more logical, intuitive and practical for the reader to use. Speaking to you is master astrologer, teacher, and storyteller Steven Forrest, who has a compelling gift for pulling personal meaning out of the sometimes confusing events that surround us all.
sky log
20, 25, 30, 35$
3, 6, 9, 12 month reports available, emailed as a PDF (prices listed per length of time requested)
sky log
additional 10$
3, 6, 9, 12 month reports available, printed and mailed to the address you provide (prices listed per length of time requested)
Information needed to generate astrology reports:
Birth location (city & country)
Birth time (as accurate as possible**)
Current location
**payments accepted: etransfer
Fill out to inquire about astrology reports
You will receive an email asking for your birth info to run report & you will be given payment details. Thank you.
Disclaimer: Readings are for entertainment purposes only, and no guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of a reading. The user is responsible for his/her own life choices and decisions. I am not qualified to give legal, financial, medical, psychological, psychiatric or any other specialist advice. If you require such advice you should seek a licensed professional.